Quantifying the contribution of women taking maternity leave to Mexico’s economy: an input-output approach


  • Joana Cecilia Chapa Cantú Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Economía, UANL
  • Mariel Adriana Leal Coronado https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2407-6272




maternity leave, input-output model, hypothetical extraction method, gender, equity.


Objective: to make visible the economic contribution ofworking women who make the decision to have children. Methodology: we calculate the contribution to gross production (PB) of women taking maternity leave by means of the Hypothetical Extraction Method (HEM) of the Input-Output (I-P) analysis. Results: the absence of women with a license causes a reduction in PB, affecting the manufacturing, services, trade, and transportation and communications sectors. Limitations: there is a lack of detailed information on the work trajectories of women after finishing maternity leave. Originality: first study in Mexico to apply I-P analysis to study the economic effect of maternity leave. Conclusions: the economic importance of maternity leave is evident, as is the need to implement and strengthen policies that support the employment continuity of mothers, thus promoting gender equity and sustainable economic growth.


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How to Cite

Chapa Cantú, J. C., & Leal Coronado, M. A. (2024). Quantifying the contribution of women taking maternity leave to Mexico’s economy: an input-output approach. EconoQuantum, 22(1), 139–164. https://doi.org/10.18381/eq.v22i1.7358