Submittal checklist

As part of the manuscript submittal process, authors are expected to make sure that their upload complies with all the elements shown as follows. Submittals not following these directions are not to be accepted. 

* The paper has not been previously published and has not been submitted to any
other journal.

* The paper is in Word or PDF format. If the document is accepted for publication, it must be an MS Word file and the equations are formatted in the Word equations editor. 

* The first page contains the title, followed by the abstracts in Spanish and English. Abstracts must not be larger than 150 words each and must follow the structure below:

1. Objective (s)
2. Methodology
3. Results
4. Limitations/implications
5. Originality/value
6. Conclusions

Abstracts must be followed by three keywords and the classification code according to the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL):

* Text is written in Times New Roman 12 pts, 1.5 interlines and the document must not exceed 35 pages, including tables, graphs, bibliography and appendices. 

* Bibliographical references are grouped at the end of the text in alphabetic order following APA style.

* Authors shall send an anonymous version where the title page does not include their names, as well as the references where these names appear. When the paper is accepted, all omitted references shall be incorporated.

Author(s) information include: names in full, affiliation institution, postal address, country, telephone, email address and ORCID identifier.