Standards for publication

EconoQuantum uses the OJS system for editorial management. Hence, all manuscripts submitted by authors must be sent through this system. Authors may send their manuscripts after registration. Manuscripts must be accompanied by the forms of authorship statement, declaration of good practice, and transfer of rights.

Authors must make sure that their papers are compliant with all elements shown in the submittal checklist. According to editorial policies all submittals must be made in this platform, and therefore no manuscript will be accepted if mailed to the editorial address or to the electronic mail.

All papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF, Times New Roman, 12 pts, 1.5 cm interline (except for Tables). Maximum extension is 35 pages, letter size (8.5 x 11 in.), including tables, figures, bibliographic references, and appendices. Abstracts may be no longer than 150 words, and must strictly follow structure and specify the points below:

1. Objective(s): Describe the purpose of the document (what is to be accomplished with the results of the study).
2. Methodology: Briefly describe the methods used in the study, the design of the experiment, the selection of the population or sample, and/or statistical techniques used in the analysis of data.
3. Results: Describe the findings and their interpretation.
4. Limitations/implications: Define limits in time, space, resources and scope of the investigation.
5. Originality/value: Briefly describe the originality and value of the contribution, based on a revision of the literature on the subject of interest.
6. Conclusions: Implications of the results and their relation to the purpose of the investigation.

A maximum of five keywords must be included, as well as the JEL codes [Journal of Economic Literature] ( Title, abstract and keywords are at the beginning of the article, in Spanish as well as the translation into English. A complete version of the document in PDF format must be included.

Besides, the list of bibliographic references must contain complete information on each of the sources of information, including the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This list must be inserted at the end of the article, before any appendix. Authors must make sure there is a written correspondence between names and years mentioned in the text and those included in the bibliography. Submittals not following these directions will not be accepted.