Bayesian approach to identify the determinants of innovative entrepreneurship by country
Objective: to outline the determinants of the profile of an entrepreneur with innovative skills in the international arena, involving economic, demographic and motivational characteristics of some OECD countries (developed/underdeveloped). Methodology: the Bayesian average model is used. Results: the Bayesian model by averages shows that women who use new technology, with average income in the country, age between 18-24 years, with foreign-oriented products, with basic education; and focused on the transformation and business sectors, help nations to be more competitive. Limitations: research faced problems with the homogeneity of the data. Originality: it uses a base of 19 countries that had not been used before without differentiating between developing and developed countries in order to associate competitiveness. Conclusions: it was possible to find the determinants of entrepreneurship in a general way based on the characteristics of the results.Downloads
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