Simultaneous auctions of identical items by first-price close mechanism with a bonus for buyers


  • Karla Flores-Zarur Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • William Olvera-Lopez Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí



simultaneous auctions, first-price sealed mechanism, bayesian games, symmetric bayesian Nash equilibrium, seller's expected revenue


Objective: In this paper we study, from the seller’s perspective, how to auction a finite set of identical items when the buyer who obtains the whole set of goods (if any) gets a bonus, such that the seller maximizes his expected revenue and taking into account the strategic behavior of the bidders.   Methodology: We use Bayesian Games for modelling the situation considering a strategy space equal to R+m  for each bidder.   Results: We show a Symmetric Bayesian Equilibrium for the model as well as the seller’s indifference between several natural ways for offering the bonus to a bidder getting the whole set of items, because he obtains the same expected revenue.   Limitations: The model regards only identical items.   Originality: We show an equilibrium bid for a n-personal model of m Simultaneous Auctions under first-price close mechanism considering that there is a kind of extra profit.   Conclusions: The seller is indifferent between several ways to offer the bonus. It could be interesting to contrast the theoretical results under an experimental framework.


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-06-30

How to Cite

Flores-Zarur, K., & Olvera-Lopez, W. . (2022). Simultaneous auctions of identical items by first-price close mechanism with a bonus for buyers. EconoQuantum, 19(2), 83–92.