Export market decision making, cognitive competencies and export performance: an empirical investigation
Cognitive structure, export market decisions makingAbstract
This paper investigates experienced exporters’ use of foreign environmental information in decision making. It specifically examines the cognitive structure or “mental map” that export managers’ manifest when considering market alternatives in the international arena. Guided by past research and the procedure of logical partitioning, the authors first identify and propose a cognitive structure consisting of three levels of export market information, – including (1) primary environmental constructs, (2) secondary export concepts, and (3) specific export market decision variables. Findings indicate practicing, experienced export managers do manifest a distinct cognitive export information structure, and they consider information related to export market selection to be hierarchical in value when analyzing international markets. Results also indicate that exporters who manifest a proactive and systematic approach to export market decision making tend to have greater success in their exporting activities.Downloads
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