Party system and efficiency of public goods supply

a formal model


  • Leonardo Adalberto Gatica Arreola Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCEA



Party system, government efficiency, clientelism, public goods provision.


Objective: To advance in a theoretical explanation about the effect of party systems and political competition on government performance, relative to the provision of public goods and clientelistc private goods.   Methodology: I build and present a theoretical model to address the cited problem.   Results: The model describes how the rise in the number of competing political parties encourages the clientelistic behavior of incumbents.   Limitations: Despite the paper explains some known empirical facts, it does not present any empirical analysis and evidence.   Originality: The paper presents an original formal model based on the government employment to analyze the effect that the party system has over government performance.   Conclusion: The main result shows that the increase in the number of parties within the system, diminishes public goods delivers and encourages clientelistic expenditures.   Recepción: 10/04/2019 Aceptación: 04/12/2019


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2020-06-29 — Updated on 2022-01-08

How to Cite

Gatica Arreola, L. A. (2022). Party system and efficiency of public goods supply: a formal model. EconoQuantum, 17(2), 33–56.