Victimization and spillover effects in Mexico


  • José N. Martínez Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics, California State University Dominguez Hills.


Palabras clave:

Victimization, crime, Mexico, spillover effects, spatial dependence


Using several rounds of nationally representative victimization survey data, this study examines the determinants of municipality level property crime rates in Mexico and the potential effects of spatial dependence. Baseline results suggest that population size, self-protection rates, and prior victimization rates are the strongest predictors of municipality level property crime. Spatial model results present statistical evidence of spatial dependence in municipality property crime rates. Different specifications suggest that property crime rates are significantly and positively related to crime rates in neighboring municipalities. These effects appear to be growing stronger in more recent years, suggesting increasing spillover effects for property crime in Mexico.


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Cómo citar

Martínez, J. N. (2016). Victimization and spillover effects in Mexico. EconoQuantum, 13(2), 7–31.